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Tyrian Fellhawk

The story of Tyrian Fellhawk was born around May of 1977. As a ten year old boy, being of that perfect marketable demographic, I saw Star Wars. Then I read the book. Then I read the comics. And then I turned to George Lucas' inspirations which included Lord of the Rings, Flash Gordon and mostly the John Carter of Mars series. What hit me the most is that someone could create a new world. Until then, my fiction was based in the known world. But discovering worlds created by humans, Barsoom, Tattoine, Middle-Earth...the idea that someone could just create a new reality, excited me!

So I envisioned a world where a young boy grows up in a desolate forest, his only friend a dog and his future grim. His mind is filled with dreams of being a knight in the far off capital city. Over the years the ideas were fleshed out and matured. But I always pushed them aside, wanting to be a 'serious writer'.

Well, on my 39th year I decided to celebrate my 40th year by writing a first draft of Tyrian's adventure, and create my own world for him to live in. Thus, Tyrian Fellhawk's world was born. And on my 40th year, the first draft of The Road of Fathers was finished!

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